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Additional details to clarify the esoteric parts of normalize.css.

Fix #353
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necolas committed Jul 22, 2014
1 parent 071af82 commit dd8d75c3491e5ce12dcd92f1b9c74cdd8b901766
Showing 1 changed file with 44 additions and 12 deletions.
@@ -11,13 +11,15 @@ normalizing.

## Install

Download from the [project page](
* [npm]( `npm install --save normalize.css`
* [Component(1)]( `component install necolas/normalize.css`
* [Bower]( `bower install --save normalize.css`
* [Download](

Install with [Component(1)]( `component install necolas/normalize.css`

Install with [npm]( `npm install --save normalize.css`
No other styles should come before Normalize.css.

Install with [Bower]( `bower install --save normalize.css`
It is recommended that you include the `normalize.css` file as untouched
library code.

## What does it do?

@@ -27,13 +29,6 @@ Install with [Bower]( `bower install --save normalize.css`
* Improves usability with subtle improvements.
* Explains what code does using detailed comments.

## How to use it

No other styles should come before Normalize.css.

It is recommended that you include the `normalize.css` file as untouched
library code.

## Browser support

* Google Chrome (latest)
@@ -47,6 +42,43 @@ library code.
support]( (IE 6+, Safari 4+),
but is no longer actively developed.

## Extended details

Additional detail and explanation of the esoteric parts of normalize.css.

#### `pre, code, kbd, samp`

The `font-family: monospace, monospace` hack fixes the inheritance and scaling
of font-size for preformated text. The duplication of `monospace` is
intentional. [Source](

#### `sub, sup`

Normally, using `sub` or `sup` affects the line-box height of text in all
browsers. [Source](

#### `svg:not(:root)`

Adding `overflow: hidden` fixes IE9's SVG rendering. Earlier versions of IE
don't support SVG, so we can safely use the `:not()` and `:root` selectors that
modern browsers use in the default UA stylesheets to apply this style. [SVG
Mailing List discussion](

#### `input[type="search"]`

The search input is not fully stylable by default. In Chrome and Safari on
OSX/iOS you can't control `font`, `padding`, `border`, or `background`. In
Chrome and Safari on Windows you can't control `border` properly. It will apply
`border-width` but will only show a border color (which cannot be controlled)
for the outer 1px of that border. Applying `-webkit-appearance: textfield`
addresses these issues without removing the benefits of search inputs (e.g.
showing past searches).

#### `legend`

Adding `border: 0` corrects an IE 8–11 bug where `color` (yes, `color`) is not
inherited by `legend`.

## Contributing

Please read the

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