A starter boilerplate for new front-end projects
I'm using this css file as a copy-paste for an initial _base.scss file. These rules are to be used as a base, and modified to fit a project's needs.
Based upon normalize.css v2.0.1
This is based up on normalize.css, but is meant for SASS use. I have modified the commenting structure to be more succinct by incorporating '//' comments. This also allows me to turn rules on and off easily with '/*' comments.
Now, I know that '//' comments aren't allowed in css files. That's ok with me. I'm just using them to start a scss file anyway. But why not rename the file to be a .scss file, you ask? Well, if @necolas updates his normalize.css, I'd like to merge his changes. If I rename the file, this will make things tougher to do with git.
About Normalize.css
Normalize.css is a customisable CSS file that makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. We researched the differences between default browser styles in order to precisely target only the styles that need normalizing.