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    Jonathan Neal
    For normalize.css, following Firefox (and probably future Safari) is obvious to me. For sanitize.css, I could see the backwards argument. Another argument against doing this, though, is undoing Firefox’s choice, which only further hurts adoption of text-decoration styles.
    Thierry Koblentz
    I see your point, but that's catch-22... What is the priority? Users or vendor adoption?
    Jonathan Neal
    For normalize.css, I think it’d be too much to add in border-bottom when 0 browsers do it, or is this another exception?
    Thierry Koblentz
    normalize should go with text-decoration, because that's its job.
    To me, the big difference between normalize and sanitize is that the former takes a "dumb" approach (not in the bad sense of the term) so it's easier to pick a style, with sanitize, there is much more than should be taken into consideration
    Jonathan Neal
    Yeap, best practices is its thing.
    Thierry Koblentz
    Normalize should only be about browsers... Not the case with sanitize
    Jonathan Neal
    Sure thing. I think I’ve been confused sometimes if you were suggesting changes for normalize.css or sanitize.css :)
    Thierry Koblentz
    so it was about sanitize :)
    Actually, generally I'm against opinionated rules in normalize and for very opinionated rules in sanitize
    Because in my opinion, they have very different purpose
    and it would be bad to see one trying to emulate what the other is supposed to do
    Jonathan Neal
    Thierry Koblentz
    Did things change regarding [aria-hidden="false"]? Because it was ignored before
    Jonathan Neal
    Jonathan Neal
    I’ll switch to border-bottom on abbr, btw. Let me know if there’s an issue with [hidden][aria-hidden="false"]
    Jonathan Neal
    The old body v html.
    Thierry Koblentz
    I don't think [hidden][aria-hidden="false"] is really a thing
    That's why I mentioned those last rules
    As I'm not sure they have any value
    I'll try a few things using your test page
    Jonathan Neal
    I ran it over with Hans Hillen the other day. He confirmed that [aria-hidden="false"] should be announced, and the example I gave him was when it was put alongside [hidden].
    Thierry Koblentz
    What I'm saying is that [hidden][aria-hidden="false"] should not be a thing, because the result of that is the same as removing hidden—which should make more sense. See what I mean?
    Jonathan Neal
    So there is no semantic way of marking up visually hidden without a class or data attribute then?
    What a step backward :(
    Jonathan Neal
    Maybe “step” is the wrong word. But what a disappointment.
    Chris Watson
    @jonathantneal My apologies for not following up earlier. Here's the gist describing the webpack 2 changes https://gist.github.com/sokra/27b24881210b56bbaff7
    Er sorry for the inline as well
    Jonathan Neal
    Whoa, neat. I’m very sorry that I’ve forgotten the context. Would you help me remember?
    Chris Watson
    No problem, in an earlier discussion about using normalize with webpack I said webpack 2 would be making major changes
    Jonathan Neal
    Ah, I remember that now.
    Jonathan Neal
    Thanks all for the great contirbutions to normalize.css v4. If you have a minute, I’m looking for full-time opportunities, and I sure would appreciate a shout out or a retweet. https://twitter.com/jon_neal/status/745672465708265475
    i love normalize.css
    Jonathan Neal
    Cyril de Wit
    Is it possible that you can add a normalize.scss file to the repi
    Ohh sorry
    Jonathan Neal
    Thierry Koblentz
    @all what if we favored currentColor over inherit when we deal with color? What'd be the difference exactly?
    See necolas/normalize.css#617
    Kiran Kumar Chirravuri
    Hai there , I am not familiar with normalize.css, could any one take me to a tour of normalize.css.
    G Naga Subrahmanyam
    Hi All
    Jonathan Neal
    Haddag Abdelkader
    Is normalize free for commercial use to be included into a (commercial) front-end framework?
    Jonathan Neal
    @HaddagAbdelkader, the license is MIT. That’s typically compatible with what you’re saying.
    Haddag Abdelkader
    Thank you. 😊👏
    Hi, guys! How can I include normalize through gulp? I type to consol npm install --save normalize.css and what else?
    Jonathan Neal
    How are you including it on your page? Direct <link> ? Bundled into existing compiled CSS?
    @jonathantneal bundle into compilled css