The current display style applied to the summary element results in unwanted list-item styling for instances where the
summary element is not used properly.
summary {
display: list-item;
This should ...
I m using Microsoft Edge version 107.0.1418.56 and I m noticing it adds a couple of margin rules to just about any text
element. Here s an unstyled h2 as an example. See how there s a little bit of top ...
Summary IOS sets the text color of buttons in the useragent stylesheet to blue. No other browser does this, and it
should follow suit. Normalize.css should set the button to inherit the color from it s ...
Hi, @necolas :wave:
First thank you for this amazing package :heart_eyes:
in your :link: blog article you referenced to the :link: normalize.css ghpage.
What is Problem? Nothing, Just, Github page deployed ...
When I use normalize.min.css v8.0.1 as my only css file for fairly ordinary HTML, I get different renderings for Firefox
vs. Chrome.
Here are the differences:
font face (Arial vs. Times New Roman, I ...